Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Perspectives from the State Library

I had a look at Perspectives on Pride and Prejudice (ISBN: 1860001580) today. It's an educational kit consisting of a book, audio cassette and video. Worth checking out if you can get a hold of it. The book isn't that interesting, but on the cassette, Jennifer Ehle reads Lizzy's imaginary diary. It's of the three days preceding the arrival of Mr Bingley and co at Netherfield and lasts about 10 minutes. On the video, there are a few mini interviews with her in Lizzy costume. The first is about Lizzy's relationship with Jane; she talks about the intimacy between them. The second is about how Lizzy and Darcy are perfect for each other. The third concerns Lizzy's views on marriage, about how she only wants to marry for the deepest love, and is prepared for the possibility that this might never happen. The last bit is about the character of Elizabeth Bennet- the clip of that was blogged earlier.

I also came upon this book purely by chance, it was on display at Borders. Lovely cover photo.

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