"My Perfect Sunday"
Last November we posted a transcript of a magazine article that a fan kindly sent to us, but we weren't able to get the actual scan to work. Since then, we've figured it out and have added it to our photo album. It's Jennifer Ehle's eloquent description of what would constitute her perfect Sunday, published by the Telegraph's Seven magazine on November 9, 2008. Enjoy!
Continuing Reviewage
What would a post be without a review of Pride and Glory?! More praise is bestowed upon Jennifer Ehle for her portrayal of Abby Tierney, this time in Spanish. From El Confidencial:
[...] Es el caso de la parte dedicada a la enfermedad de Abby, la mujer de Emmerich (buena interpretación de Jennifer Ehle), que proporciona las secuencias con más fuerza de la película. [...]My rough (aka gringa) translation: "The parts of the movie dedicated to Abby’s illness (great interpretation by Jennifer Ehle) are the most powerful scenes in the film."
For a great read about the Bridge Project, a new classical repertory theater company, check out this recent New York Times article, which includes quotage from participants Richard Easton and Rebecca Hall as well as instigators Kevin Spacey and Sam Mendes. Go rep! Here's a teaser:
[...] Mr. Easton, who at 75 remembers when repertory still thrived beyond the opera house, found that his recent experience in “The Coast of Utopia” — the trilogy of Tom Stoppard plays that ran in rep at Lincoln Center — reminded him why the system is worth the risk and expense. “You give a more total performance in each role,” he said, “because you don’t have to spend all your expertise in either one.” [...]
At Newsday, there is also an awesome interview with Martha Plimpton, who is currently starring in the musical Pal Joey on Broadway.
Here's to a great 2009!
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